We accompany, resource and inspire people and organisations to deepen their relationship with God in daily life.
We accompany people online through virtual retreats and guided prayer. Here’s how you can make a retreat without even leaving your home.
We help people to grow in their spiritual life, but rather than expecting them to come to us, we go to them. Here’s some of what we offer.
Mark Rotsaert SJ is a Flemish Jesuit. He has been novice master for the North Belgium and Dutch Provinces, twice provincial of the North Belgium Province, President of the Conference of European Jesuit Provincials, superior of the Jesuit community at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome, and is currently senior research fellow at Campion Hall, Oxford. He has translated the Spiritual Exercises, the Spiritual Diary, and about forty letters of Ignatius into Dutch, and collaborated in a Dutch edition of the Autobiography.
John O'Donohue was the author of a book on Hegel's philosophical theology, ‘Person als Vermittlung, Die Dialektik von Individualitiit in Hegels Phiinomenologie des Geistes. Eine philosophisch-theologische Interpretation’ (Mainz, 1993), a collection of poetry, ‘Echoes of memory’ (Poolbeg Press, l994/l997) and ‘Anam Cara: spiritual wisdom from the Celtic world’ (Bantam 1997). He died in 2008.
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