It is a real joy to see parishioners learning how to speak about their relationship with God and how they can find God in the everyday stuff of their lives. Many people in parishes would not be able to go away on a retreat and that’s why we offer our retreat days to local faith communities.
Our team can come to your parish and facilitate a number of different projects, depending on the needs of your community. This is usually one of our retreat days, a week of guided prayer or spiritual accompaniment. Parish teams might find our communal discernment work particularly helpful if they are discerning the future of their ministry.
Or, try our new course for parishes >>
Our work for dioceses is very bespoke and we are open to conversations about what is needed. Our team have worked at the diocesan, parish and deanery levels and can be sensitive to the needs of these different contexts.
We have facilitated communal discernment for diocesan teams and have trained diocesan teams in how to listen and discern.