Across the UK

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Ignatian Schools in the UK

There are many other Ignatian schools in the UK usually founded by religious orders with an Ignatian tradition and spirituality.

If yours is an Ignatian school and you would like to be included in this list, please contact us.

Catholic education in the Jesuit tradition

The mission of Jesuit schools in Britain

Our schools are centred on the person of Jesus Christ and our students are helped and encouraged to take him as their companion and model; to grow in his likeness, becoming men and women of faith who are men and women for others. They are encouraged to develop their many individual gifts and talents to the full; and to build, in collaboration with all people of good will, the kingdom of God: a kingdom of justice, love and peace.

To help achieve this goal our schools “should be places where people are believed in, honoured and cared for; where individual contributions and accomplishments are appreciated; where everyone is treated fairly and justly; where each of us finds the challenge, encouragement and support we need to reach our fullest individual potential for excellence; where we help one another and work together with enthusiasm and generosity”. Ignatian Pedagogy (1993), 37.

In our schools we commit to ensuring that

Each person is offered a spiritual and religious formation in the Catholic Christian tradition and encouraged to deepen a relationship with God.

In Jesuit schools, as in all Catholic schools, we share a commitment to helping parents bring up their children, encouraging reflection, prayer, religious commitment, and service to others. In this we are inspired by and faithful to the Gospel revealed in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We welcome those who are Catholic, or from other Christian Churches, and those who belong to other faith or religious traditions or are of no religious tradition. Anyone who wishes to be part of our school community - as a pupil, parent or member of staff - is asked to respect our religious foundation and come with an open mind ready to appreciate, reflect on and learn from the Christian message and that of other traditions.

Each person is nurtured, supported and challenged to realise their full academic and human potential.

We want every young person to achieve the best that they can in examinations and, at the same time, we believe that intellectual formation is more than simply getting good grades. We encourage our students to develop deep-rooted qualities of both heart and mind that will enable them to thrive in the complex and changing world in which we live. When we use the term excellence, we always mean human flourishing, human excellence which includes the intellectual, creative, artistic, physical, moral, religious and spiritual development of each young person.

Each person is encouraged to develop their moral conscience, to challenge injustice, to have the courage to do what is right and be men and women for others.

In a Jesuit school we should be judged not simply by academic results but also by how our school leavers grow to be women and men of conscience, compassion and commitment. The ultimate success of our educational endeavour is best measured by how our young people engage with life in the decades after leaving school and the commitment, energy and ability that they show for the benefit of others and for our common home, the earth.

Each person is welcomed into our school community, belongs to it and knows that it is part of a global network of Jesuit schools which share a common mission.

In Jesuit schools, like all good schools, we build strong and caring communities, which will help our young people to have a sense of identity and security; a place where they can feel at home; where they are encouraged; and have the confidence and resilience to develop their talents to the full. Our schools share a wonderfully rich educational tradition that is five centuries old and spans the globe. As a global organisation with a worldwide mission, whichever Jesuit school you study in, in whatever part of the world, you will have shared goals and be supported in your common mission.

In seeking to achieve these goals we commit to never accepting mediocrity and strive, after St Ignatius’ aspiration, for the magis, the ‘more’; a depth of understanding and discerned wisdom about what it means to be human beings called by God to a life of holiness.