Strengthening the Jesuit identity and mission of our schools

The purpose of the Provincial's Visitation is to create and sustain a strong link between the centre (the Jesuit curia) and the various institutions of the province, including the schools. Through the Visitation (and in other ways throughout the year), the Jesuit identity and mission of the school community is affirmed and strengthened as the school is invited to give an account of the work it has done “living and learning for the greater glory of God and the common good.” (St Ignatius, Constitutions n.440)

The Visitation is also an important occasion when the Provincial, on behalf of the Society of Jesus, can recognise and celebrate the good work done, and thank everyone in the school community for what they have achieved.

A focal point for the Visitation will be the celebration of the Eucharist with the whole school (or a substantial part of it) at which the Provincial presides and preaches.

Visitation dates

29th January 2025 - Visitation St Mary’s School, Hurst Green

30th January 2025
- Visitation Stonyhurst College

31st January 2025 (AM)
- Visitation St Josephs

27th February 2025 -
Visitation St Aloysius Senior School

28th February 2025
- Visitation St Aloysius Junior School

18th March 2025
- Visitation Mount St Mary’s 19th March 2025(AM) - Visitation Barlborough Hall School