The School of Synodality gathered a group of interested, experienced people - including Vron Smith of the Jesuit Institute – who over the course of the last year created and produced a new resource, the Pastoral Council Starter Toolkit.

One of the important outputs of the recent Synod on Synodality is that Pope Francis is calling on every parish to have an active Pastoral Council which would embody the concept of Synodality through its practices and processes. This means that the pastoral council, and in turn the parish, might become a listening, discerning community with an active apostolic outlook, tuned to what the Holy Spirit is calling them to do in the world.

‘We follow the Lord along the way, we do not follow him enclosed in our comforts or we do not follow him in the mazes of our minds. We follow him only along the way. Let us remember never to walk alone or according to worldly criteria, but to walk on the way alongside him.
Brothers and sisters, not a seated Church, but a Church on her feet. Not a silent Church, but a Church that embraces the cry of humanity. Not a blind Church, but a Church, enlightened by Christ, that brings the light of the Gospel to others. Not a static Church, but a missionary Church that walks with her Lord through the streets of the world.’

(Conclusion of the ordinary general assembly of the synod of bishops Homily of Pope Francis 27 October 2024)

Vron Smith has many years’ experience working faith communities (including parishes and religious communities), facilitating communal discernment processes which draw on the Ignatian practices of discernment and spiritual conversation. These are deeply connected to synodality and what the Pope and others in the Church are hoping for in the Church of the 21st Century.

Moving to a new form of Pastoral Council requires learning new skills and practices, particularly in listening to the Holy Spirit and to one another. We hope this new resource will reignite a passion for pastoral councils, either to begin completely new or to refresh current frameworks.

(The School for Synodality)

Vron encourages people to engage with the Pastoral Council Starter Pack: ‘It can seem daunting and difficult to know where to begin - how to become or grow more as a synodal Parish Council. The pack gives you a place to start and tools to develop and try out. ‘

You can read more about Vron’s work on the Jesuit Institute website. The Jesuit Institute team are available to work with your parish, whether you are looking for a bespoke facilitated process or simply looking to learn more about Ignatian prayer. Contact us >>

The Jesuit Institute is running an online course suitable for anyone who is interested in spiritual conversation in a communal context.

Read more and book: In the Spirit and in Truth

The Jesuit Institute is offering a course in Ignatian prayer in Eastertide: Pilgrimage to Pentecost

The Pastoral Council Starter Toolkit is available to download for free from the School for Synodality website.

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