Fr Chris Gorton of Salford Diocese will be running the Camino de Santiago during this time and invites others to join him in prayer and solidarity as he fundraises for Caritas.

Fr Chris writes:

As the words of the hymn says, ‘we are pilgrims on the journey, we are travellers on the road’. In the spirit of the Gospel story of the Road to Emmaus my hope and prayer is that as we share this experience, we become aware of Christ walking with us. This time of prayer and reflection is a wonderful opportunity to do this.

The online prayer sessions will connect participants with Jesus the pilgrim, with Creation (September into October is the Season of Creation), and with Fr Chris and companions on their way to Compostela.

Those of you who are familiar with the Spiritual Exercises of St Ignatius will notice an Ignatian pattern as we travel together, as well as some Ignatian ways of praying.  The prayer journey can also be a type of retreat over the five weeks.


There will be online prayer on the following dates, always at 8pm-9pm BST (UK time).  The link is the same each time. You can come to just one session or any number of them.  

September 11th Introduction: with Fr Chris, and Steve leading the prayer: Jesus invites us to join him on pilgrimage

September 18th Walking in God’s Creation – a gift of love

September 25th Letting go and following Christ on the road – a gift of mercy

October 2nd Getting to know Christ along the way – a gift of friendship (Tonight Sarah Young of the Jesuit Institute will be leading)

October 9th With him into Jerusalem – the mark of true friendship

October 16th The joy of Jesus risen – he walks with us along the road

How to join

The link to every gathering is the usual one:

Meeting ID: 815 3446 7879

Passcode: 380690

Everyone is welcome to join Steve and Fr Chris for this special series.

Don’t forget, our regular prayer session Imagine is led by Steve Hoyland and team every first Wednesday of the month.

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