

Where am I in my home as I settle for this prayer?  Where am I in myself, in other words, how am I feeling just now?


Where have I been today? I spend a bit of time letting some of the events and people of the day come to mind . . .


How is God with me at the end of the day? . . . I take time to be comfortable with God, comfortable with me . . .


What about this house gives me some delight as I reflect here now? . . . I take a minute to enjoy this gift . . .


Sometimes this home has witnessed challenges, difficulties, perhaps tears. I let one of those occasions come to memory and I stay with it. How does this remembering make me feel? I share this with God. How is God with me as we look back together? . . .


I ask for God’s healing touch (for myself, for others). I breathe in God’s healing love . . . I breathe that love into this room and this home . . . I do this for a minute…


Is there anything else I or God want to do or say? . . .


I end with a prayer: Lord, I am not worthy to receive you under my roof, but only say the word, and I shall be healed.

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Coming Home at the End of the Day