Event information

Suggested Donation - £5
45 Minutes
Hosted by
Steve Hoyland - Jesuit Institute

Join us for a guided meditation with the imagination: a chance to meet, listen and share with others, and a space of nourishment once a month, live on Zoom. Take time to pause, step off the hamster wheel of life for an hour, and tune into what grounds and roots you, into a deeper and wider perspective. In that pause, you might just discover something of who you are, what you deeply desire, and what the world and these times are calling you into. Everyone is welcome – just bring your openness and curiosity, and of course your imagination!

No need to book - just click on the Zoom link in time for the 8pm start.

This autumn we are holding a weekly Imagine on 11th, 18th and 25th September and October 9th and 16th.

The theme for the third Imagine in October is October 9th 'The joy of Jesus risen – he walks with us along the road' - led by Steve Hoyland.
